The Intelligent Investor - Book Review

The Intelligent Investor - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about the world's most famous and classic book of investment 'The Intelligent Investor'. This book by Benjamin Graham is considered to be the bible of investment and has also been considered a guru by legendary investors like Warren Buffett. In the fast-paced life of Mumbai, where everyone thinks of making quick money, this book teaches us how to invest wisely and for the long-term. In the book, Graham has explained the concepts of value investing in a very simple and practical way. So, in this blog, we will learn a summary of the main chapters of this book, delve deeper into it and see how 'The Intelligent Investor' can change our investment strategy.

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter 1: Investment vs. Speculation: Intelligent Investor's Results
In this chapter, Graham explains the difference between investment and speculation. According to him, investment is where you do an in-depth analysis and guarantee safety of principle and satisfaction returns. At the same time, in speculation, you invest money without thinking, just depending on the mood of the market. Like in Mumbai, people sometimes bet on cricket matches, that is speculation. But if you buy shares of a good company by checking its financial health, then it is an investment. Graham says that the intelligent investor always focuses on long-term investments, not short-term gains. 

Chapter 2: The Investor and Inflation
In this chapter, Graham talks about the impact of inflation and how investors can avoid it. He says inflation is the biggest enemy of investors because it reduces the value of your money. In Mumbai, just as the rate of vada pav increases every year, inflation reduces the purchasing power of your money. Graham suggests that investors should choose investments that can give higher returns than inflation, such as stocks or real estate. 

Chapter 3: A Century of Stock Market History
Here Graham gives an overview of the history of the stock market. He explained how the market goes through ups and downs, but always goes up in the long-term. Just as the Mumbai local train sometimes gets late, sometimes arrives on time, but finally reaches its destination, similarly the stock market also keeps going up and down in the short-term but grows in the long-term. Graham believes investors should not panic about these short-term fluctuations. 

Chapter 4: General Portfolio Policy: The Defensive Investor
In this chapter, Graham explains the portfolio strategy for defensive investors. He suggests that defensive investors should hold 50% stocks and 50% bonds in their portfolio. This strategy is similar to how people in Mumbai divide their savings into FDs and mutual funds. Graham says that this balance protects investors from risk and also gives good returns. 

Chapter 5: The Defensive Investor and Common Stocks
Here's what kind of stocks should be picked by a defensive investor. They say that the shares of large, stable and dividend-paying companies are the safest. Just like people in Mumbai buy goods from trusted brands, defensive investors should also buy shares of well-known and stable companies. Graham believes that these companies are stable even in market fluctuations. 

Chapter 6: Portfolio Policy for the Entrepreneurial Investor: Negative Approach
In this chapter, Graham lays out strategies for enterprising (or aggressive) investors. He says that enterprising investors should first know what not to do. It's like newcomers to Mumbai being told which areas not to visit. Graham says enterprising investors should avoid high-risk stocks, IPOs, and popular stocks. 

Chapter 7: Portfolio Policy for the Entrepreneurial Investor: The Positive Side
Here's what kind of stocks an enterprising investor should choose. He suggests investing in undervalued stocks, growth stocks, and special situations. It is like some people in Mumbai buy and renovate old houses and then sell them at a higher price. Graham says enterprising investors should look for stocks that are undervalued now but could grow in the future. 

Chapter 8: The Investor and Market Fluctuations
In this chapter, Graham explains how investors should deal with market fluctuations. He says that short-term fluctuations should not be afraid and focus on long-term values. It is like Mumbai traffic increases during monsoon, but people know that it is temporary. Graham believes that investors should also ignore the temporary mood swings of the market and pay attention to the fundamentals of the company. 

Chapter 9: Investing in Investment Funds
Here Graham talks about mutual funds. He says that mutual funds can be a good option for investors who cannot choose stocks themselves. It is like in Mumbai people order tiffin from Dabbawalla because they do not have time to cook themselves. Graham suggests that investors should invest in low-cost index funds.

Chapter 10: The Investor and His Advisors
In this last chapter, Graham explains how investors should deal with financial advisors. He says that investors should be careful in choosing their advisor and do not blindly follow their advice. It is like people in Mumbai do not directly believe the real estate agent, but also do research themselves. Graham believes that investors should listen to their advisor's advice but make the final decision themselves. 

'The Intelligent Investor' teaches us how to invest thoughtfully, for the long-term. Graham's principles are as relevant today as they were 70 years ago.


'The Intelligent Investor' is a book that explains the basics of investing in a very simple way. The principles laid down by Benjamin Graham are as relevant today as they were in 1949, when the book was first published. 

The biggest feature of the book is its practical approach. Graham doesn't just give theories but explains with real-life examples how these principles can be applied. The concept of value investing, which forms the core of this book, is still followed by the world's most successful investors. 

Some people may feel that the language of the book is a bit outdated, and some examples are outdated. But if you focus on its core message, then this book can give you a strong foundation in the world of investing. 

In a fast-paced city like Mumbai, where everyone wants to get rich quick, this book is like a cool breeze that reminds us that true wealth is built slowly, thoughtfully. Whether you are a new investor or experienced, 'The Intelligent Investor' can take your investment knowledge to new heights.


'The Intelligent Investor' is not just a book but a roadmap in the world of investing. The knowledge that Benjamin Graham has given in this book is a treasure for every investor. Whether you are checking stocks while travelling in a local train or managing your portfolio while on a marine drive, the principles in this book will always show you the right direction. Remember, just as an umbrella is necessary in the rain of Mumbai, the knowledge of 'The Intelligent Investor' is necessary in the world of investment. So, friends, read this book, understand and give a new direction to your financial life.

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