The One Minute Manager - Book Review

The One Minute Manager - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about a book that has created a stir in the management world - 'The One Minute Manager'. This book by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is a management bible that gives you tips on how to become a better manager in just a minute. In the hustle and bustle of Mumbai, where every minute is precious, this book fits perfectly. Whether you are the founder of a startup or a veteran of the corporate world, the simple yet powerful ideas in this book will take your leadership skills to new heights. So let's embark on a journey to this fun and knowledge-filled book!

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter 1: The Search
The book begins with the story of a young manager who is looking for a leader who can keep both his employees and the company happy. He meets a variety of managers in his quest – some focus on results, some on relationships. But he does not find anyone who can balance both. Just as we search for a place in a local train in Mumbai, our hero was looking for answers to his questions. And then he comes to know about 'One Minute Manager', who is famous for his unique style. 

Chapter 2: The Meeting
In this chapter, the young manager meets the 'One Minute Manager'. Just like vada pav has the perfect combination of vada and pav, this manager keeps the perfect balance of results and people. He claims to manage his team members in just one minute. The 'One Minute Manager' states that the secret of his success is – one minute goal setting, one minute praising, and one minute repremads. These three techniques together create a powerful management style. 

Chapter 3: One Minute Goal Setting
In this chapter, 'One Minute Manager' explains how to set effective goals in just one minute. He says that goals should not be written in more than 250 words, so that they do not take more than a minute to read. Just like people in Mumbai look for shortcuts to avoid traffic, this technology is a shortcut to give clear directions to team members. Every goal should be specific, measurable and achievable. Both managers and employees follow these goals and review them regularly. 

Chapter 4: One Minute Praising
The next chapter is about 'One Minute Praising'. Here 'One Minute Manager' explains how to motivate people by praising them. He believes that people should be appraised immediately for their good work. Just as the mouth waters as soon as you get hot vada pav at the vada pav shop in Mumbai, the praise given at the right time energizes the employee. 'One Minute Praise' should be specific, given immediately, and sincere. 

Chapter 5: One Minute Preparations
In this chapter, 'One Minute Manager' explains how mistakes can be rectified without demotivating anyone. He says that the reprimand should also be given in a minute and that too by focusing only on the behaviour, not the person. Just as the TC scolds for being late in a Mumbai local train but does not say anything the next time he comes on time, in the same way, in 'One Minute Reminder', the mistake is first pointed out, then the person is reassured that he is valuable. 

Chapter 6: One Minute Manager in Action
The chapter shows how One Minute Manager applies all three of its techniques to real-life situations. He holds regular meetings with his team members, tracks their performance, and gives guidance when needed. Just like the grandfather in Mumbai manages multiple tasks at once – running a shop, sending kids to school, and taking care of the family, the 'One Minute Manager' also pays attention to every member of his team and ensures their growth. 

Chapter 7: Why One Minute Goals Work
This chapter explains why 'One Minute Goals' are so effective. These goals are clear and concise, making it easier for team members to understand their targets. This increases their focus, and they are more involved in their work. Just like you tell the rickshawala of Mumbai only the destination and he take you there, 'One Minute Goals' tells the team members their target and they are able to focus on it. 

Chapter 8: Why One Minute Praising Works
This chapter explains why 'One Minute Praising' is so powerful. When someone's good work is appreciated immediately, his confidence increases, and he is motivated to do better. Just like a street food vendor in Mumbai makes it harder when someone praises his vada pav, 'One Minute Praising' motivates team members to give their best. 

Chapter 9: Why One Minute Reimbursements Work
This last chapter explains why 'One Minute Recommendations' are effective. These reimbursements are focused and fair, which helps the employee understand his mistake without getting demotivated. Just like the Mumbai traffic police point out the mistake while cutting the challan but do not let the person down, 'One Minute Reimbursements' address the mistake but do not harm the person's self-esteem. 

Thus, 'The One Minute Manager' presents a simple yet powerful management philosophy that can help every manager achieve the best results for their team and organization. 


'The One Minute Manager' is a book that explains the complexities of management in an easy and effective way. Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson have used a very simple and practical approach, so that everyone can easily understand it. The biggest plus point of the book is its simplicity and clarity. 

By adopting techniques such as One Minute Goal Setting, One Minute Preview, and One Minute Recommendations, managers can improve the performance of their team members. Using these techniques not only saves time but also increases team productivity and motivation. 

In a fast-paced city like Mumbai, where every minute is precious, this book fits perfectly. It is useful not only for professionals from the corporate world but also for anyone who wants to improve their leadership skills. 

Some people may consider it very basic, but its simplicity is its biggest strength. 'The One Minute Manager' is a guide that teaches you the tricks to manage more effectively in less time. 


'The One Minute Manager' is a book that teaches you how to make big changes in a short amount of time. This book is as dynamic as Mumbai – short, fast and effective. If you want to become a better leader, motivate the team, or upgrade your management skills, then this book is perfect for you. Remember, big change begins with small steps, and this book will help you take that first step.

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