As A Man Thinketh - Book Review

As A Man Thinketh - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about a book that will change your life completely - 'As a Man Thinketh'. This book by James Allen, which is only 70 pages, but the knowledge it is filled with is no less than a sea. In the fast-paced life of Mumbai, where everyone is climbing the ladder of success, this book shows that real success starts from our minds. Just as the spice in vada pav is its real taste, similarly our thoughts are the real spice of our life. So, in this blog, we will learn how 'As a Man Thinketh' teaches us that our thoughts make our destiny and how we can change our lives by changing our thinking.

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter 1: Thought and Character
James Allen explains in this chapter that our thoughts are the ones who build our character. Just like every shop in the streets of Mumbai has its own character, similarly our thoughts also shape our personality. Allen says that if we think positive, then our character will also become positive. And if we think negatively, then negativity will dominate our lives. This chapter teaches us that we should control our thoughts because they are the ones who shape our future. 

Chapter 2: Effect of Thought on Circumstances
In this chapter, Allen explains that our thoughts also influence our circumstances. Just as people carrying umbrellas in the Mumbai rains avoid getting wet, people with positive thoughts are happy even in difficult situations. Allen believes that our external circumstances are the result of our inner thoughts. If we change our thinking, our circumstances can also change. This chapter teaches us that we should always think positive and constructive. 

Chapter 3: Effect of Thought on Health and Body
Allen explains in this chapter that our thoughts also have a profound effect on our health and body. Just like getting stuck in Mumbai traffic spoils our mood,  negative thoughts also harm our body. Keeping positive thinking keeps our body healthy and energetic. Allen says that if we keep our thoughts pure and positive, we can stay physically and mentally healthy. This chapter teaches us that we should keep our thoughts healthy so that our body is also healthy. 

Chapter 4: Thought and Purpose
In this chapter, Allen explains that our thoughts should have purpose. Just like people travelling in the local train of Mumbai keep their destination in mind, we should also have a clear purpose in our lives. Allen says that purposeless thoughts are disoriented and lead us nowhere. If we have clarity and purpose in our thoughts, we can achieve our goals easily. This chapter teaches us that we should make our thoughts purposeful. 

Chapter 5: The Thought-Factor in Achievement
Allen explains in this chapter that our thoughts also influence our ambitions and ideals. Just like the dabbawalas of Mumbai bring perfection to their work, similarly we should also bring perfection in our thoughts. Allen says that if we have big ideals and ambitions, our ideas will also work in the same direction. This chapter teaches us that we should fill our thoughts with high ideals and ambitions so that we can achieve great achievements in our lives. 

Chapter 6: Visions and Ideals
In this chapter, Allen explains that vision and ideals must be in our thoughts. Just like architects in Mumbai bring vision and creativity to the design of their buildings, we must also bring vision and ideals to the design of our lives. Allen says that vision and ideals give new direction to our thoughts and motivate us towards our goals. This chapter teaches us that we should include vision and ideals in our thoughts so that we can give a new direction to our lives. 

Chapter 7: Serenity
Allen explains in this last chapter how our thoughts can lead us to peace. Just as one finds peace by sitting on Marine Drive in the hectic life of Mumbai, positive and pure thoughts give us peace of mind. Allen says that peace is the result of purity and positivity of our thoughts. If we can control our thoughts, we can find peace and contentment in our lives. This chapter teaches us that we should keep our thoughts pure and positive so that we can get mental peace. 

'As a Man Thinketh' teaches us that our thoughts create our lives. James Allen has explained in a very simple and effective way how we can improve our life by controlling our thoughts. Whether you are in the busy lifestyle of Mumbai or anywhere else, the principles of this book are applicable everywhere and inspire us to live a better and successful life.


'As a Man Thinketh' is a book that makes you realize the power of your thoughts. James Allen has explained in a very simple and effective way how our thoughts shape our lives. The biggest feature of the book is its simplicity and depth. Allen has presented complex philosophical ideas in such a simple way that everyone can understand it. 

In a fast-paced city like Mumbai, where people often forget their mental peace in the race for external success, this book is like a fresh breeze. It reminds us that real success and happiness begin inside us. 

Some people may feel that the book is too idealistic. In today's materialistic era, just changing the thinking will change everything, this idea may seem a bit impractical. Nevertheless, if we understand and adopt its core message, it can bring positive changes in our lives. 

'As a Man Thinketh' is a book that inspires you to pay attention to your thoughts and turn them in a positive direction. Whether you are a student, a professional or a homemaker, the principles in this book are useful for everyone and can help improve lives. 


'As a Man Thinketh' is a book that can be a game-changer in your life. Just like adding ginger and cardamom to Mumbai tea changes its taste, a little change in your thoughts can change your whole life. Remember, your thoughts are the architects of your destiny. So, use this powerful tool of your brain in the right way. Think positive, dream big and let your thoughts be the ladder to your success. Because as you think, so will you become!

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