How To Win Friends And Influence People - Book Review

How To Win Friends And Influence People - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about a book that will take the level of relationships and success in your life to the very top. Yes brother, I am talking about "How to Win Friends and Influence People". This book is written by Dale Carnegie, and it is a book that teaches you how to make a place in people's hearts and influence them. 

Now you must be thinking, "Brother, what new fund is this?" So, I'll tell you. This book is not just about making friends, it is a formula to upgrade your entire communication skills and personality. Carnegie explains how you can win people's hearts with small things and bring big changes in your life. 

So, let's take a peek inside this cool book and see how it can change our lives!

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter - Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
Carnegie first tells us that there are some basic rules for dealing with people. They say that if you follow these rules, people will be drawn to you. He explains that to deal with people:
1.  Don't critique, condom or complain
2.  Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation
3. Awaken Enthusiasms in Others

Carnegie says, "Instead of condemning people, let's try to understand them." That is, instead of criticizing people, try to understand them. 

Chapter - Six Ways to Make People Like You
The next important chapter is about making people your fans. Carnegie says there   are a few simple tricks if you want people to like you. He explains that to make people his fans:
1. Show genuine interest in people
2. Smile
3. Memorize people's names and use them
4. Be a Good Listener
5. Talk about others' interests
6.  Make others feel important

Carnegie believes that if you apply these tricks, people will be drawn to you. 

Chapter - How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
In this chapter, Carnegie shows us how to get people to agree with his ideas. He says that if you want people to believe you, there are some special ways. He explains that to get people to agree with his views:
1. Avoid arguments
2. Respect the opinions of others
3. Admit immediately and amphotly if you are wrong
4. Start with a friendly approach
5.  Let others say 'yes' 
6. Let others talk more
7. Let others feel that the idea is theirs
8. Try to understand others' point of view
9. Simplify with the feelings of others
10. Make the Challenge Exciting

Carnegie says, "The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it." That is, the best way to win arguments is to avoid it. 

Chapter - B A Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arising Resentment
In this chapter, Carnegie explains how to be a good leader. He says that if you want people to believe you and follow you, then there are some special ways. They give some tips:
1.  Start with praise and honest appreciation instead of criticism
2. Point out the mistakes of others indirectly
3. Talk about your mistakes, then criticize others
4. Give suggestions, don't order
5. Save the dignity of others
6. Appreciate small improvements
7. Give others the reputation they want to maintain
8. Give Increments, Make Tasks Easier
9. Make others happy

Carnegie says, "Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise." That is, be open in your praise and generous in your praise. 

Chapter - Make Your Home Life Happier
The last but most important chapter is about improving home life. Carnegie says that if you want your family life to be happy, there are some special ways. They give some tips:
1. Don't nag
2. Don't try to control your partner
3. Appreciate
4. Be attentive like courtship days
5. Stay Paulite
6. Pay attention to the little things

Carnegie says, "Don't criticize, condemn or complain." That is, do not criticize, condemn or complain. 

Chapter - A Shortcut to Distinction
In this chapter, Carnegie explains how to become a good speaker. He says that if you want people to listen to you carefully, there are some special ways. They give some tips:
1.  Have deep knowledge about your subject
2. Speak with Enthusiasm
3. Practice
4. Think about your audience
5. Use stories and examples
6. Involve the audience
7. Be Natural

"Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident," Carnegie says. That is, only the prepared speaker is entitled to be confident. 

These were the main chapters of "How to Win Friends and Influence People.  Carnegie has talked about all kinds of relationships and communication in this book. Now just apply these ideas in your life and see how you win people's hearts and influence them!


"How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a book that can completely change your thinking and approach.  The principles provided by Carnegie are simple yet powerful. He has explained relationships and communication with a practical approach, which is really impressive. 

Some might say that this book is too basic and perhaps not as effective in today's modern corporate world. And of course, just studying these techniques will not change everything, it will also take a little practice and consistency. 

If you want to make a big difference in your personal and professional life, then this book can be a great starting point. Carnegie's ideas are practical and easy to apply. 

Just remember, reading a book is not enough, these principles have to be implemented in your daily life. Only then will you be able to see a real change in your relationships and communication skills!


"How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a book that gives you a new perspective on how to make a place in people's hearts and influence them. Carnegie taught us how small things can make big changes. 

Building good relationships with people and influencing them is not rocket science, just the right approach and attention is needed. And this book can be your best guide in this journey. So, let's apply these principles in our lives and see how we improve our personal and professional lives!

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