Eat That Frog - Book Review

Eat That Frog - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about a book that will take your productivity into top gear. Yes brother, I am talking about "Eat That Frog". This book is written by Brian Tracy, and this is a book that teaches you how to finish your biggest and most difficult task first.

Now you must be thinking, "brother, what is this new idea?" So let me tell you. This book is not just about time management, it is a formula to change your entire approach. Tracy explains how you can bring big changes in your life by 'eating' your biggest 'frog' i.e. the most difficult task first.

So let's take a peek inside this cool book and see how it can boost our productivity!

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter - Set the Table
Tracy first tells us how important planning is. He says that every minute you spend in planning saves you 10 minutes in execution. He says that for good planning:
1. Write your goals clearly
2. Set deadlines
3. Make a to-do list

Tracy says, "Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution." That is, every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution.

Chapter - Plan Every Day in Advance
The next important chapter is about daily planning. Tracy says that every night before sleeping, plan for the next day. For daily planning, he says:
1. Review your main goals
2. List the next day's tasks
3. Set priorities

Tracy believes that if you plan every day, you will move faster towards your goals.

Chapter - Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything
In this chapter, Tracy tells us about the 80/20 rule. This rule says that 20% of the tasks give 80% of the results. He says that to apply this rule:
1. Identify your most important tasks
2. Focus on them
3. Delegate or eliminate other things

Tracy says, "One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not be done at all." That is, the worst waste of time is to do something very well that should not be done at all.

Chapter - Consider the Consequences
In this chapter, Tracy explains that one should think about the long-term consequences of every task. He gives some tips:
1. Think about the positive and negative consequences of every task
2. Focus on long-term goals
3. Be prepared for short-term pain

Tracy says, "Long-term thinking improves short-term decision making." That is, thinking about the long term improves short-term decisions.

Chapter - Practice Creative Procrastination
Here Tracy explains a unique concept - creative procrastination. That is, deliberately postponing some things so that more important tasks can be done. Here are some tips:
1. Identify low-value activities
2. Eliminate or reduce them
3. Focus freed-up time on high-value tasks

Tracy says, "You cannot do everything, but you can do the most important things, and you can do them first." That is, you cannot do everything, but you can do the most important things, and you can do them first.

Chapter - Use the ABCDE Method Continuously
In this chapter, Tracy explains a powerful prioritization method - the ABCDE method. How this method works:
A: Must do tasks
B: Should do tasks
C: Nice to do tasks
D: Delegate tasks
E: Eliminate tasks

Tracy says, "The more you discipline yourself to working on your A tasks, the more energy and enthusiasm you will have." That is, the more you focus on your A tasks, the more energy and enthusiasm you will have.

Chapter - Focus on Key Result Areas
In this chapter, Tracy explains that every job has some key result areas that are most important. He gives some steps:
1. Identify the key result areas of your job
2. Focus on them
3. Improve your performance constantly

Tracy says, "Your ability to select your most important task at each moment, and then to start on that task and get it done both quickly and well, will probably have more of an impact on your success than any other quality or skill you can develop." That is, your ability to select your most important task at each moment and complete it quickly and well, will have more of an impact on your success than any other quality or skill you can develop.

Chapter - The Law of Three
In this chapter, Tracy explains an interesting concept - the Law of Three. It says that there are three tasks in your job that are more valuable than the rest of the 90% of tasks. He explains that to apply this law:
1. Identify your top three tasks
2. Spend maximum time on them
3. Delegate or eliminate the rest of the tasks

Tracy says, "Your ability to choose between the important and the unimportant is the key determinant of your success in life and work." That is, your ability to choose between the important and the unimportant is the main factor of your success in life and work.

Chapter - Prepare Thirly Before You Begin
The last but very important chapter is about preparation. Tracy says that with good preparation you can do any task faster and better. They give some tips:
1. Keep your workspace organized
2. Gather the necessary tools and resources
3. Eliminate distractions

Tracy says, "One of the best ways to overcome procrastination is to have everything you need at hand before you begin." That is, one of the best ways to overcome procrastination is to have everything ready before you begin.

These were the main chapters of "Eat That Frog". Tracy has touched upon every aspect of productivity in this book. Now all you have to do is apply these ideas in your life and see how you boost your productivity!


"Eat That Frog" is a book that will blow your mind. The concepts Tracy has given are simple but very powerful. She has explained productivity and time management with a practical approach, which is really impressive.

Some people may say that this book is a bit too straightforward. And yes, just following these techniques will not change everything, some self-discipline and commitment will also have to be applied.

If you want to bring a big change in your productivity, then this book can be a great starting point. Tracy's ideas are practical and can be easily applied.

Just remember, reading the book is not enough, you have to implement these principles in your daily life. Only then will you be able to see real change in your productivity!


"Eat That Frog" is a book that gives you a new perspective to boost your productivity. Tracy has taught us that instead of procrastinating, the big and difficult tasks should be tackled first.

Remember, being productive is not rocket science, you just need to set the right priorities and stay focused. And this book can be your best guide in this journey. So let's get ready to eat the biggest 'frog'. Because brother, when you tackle your toughest task first, your productivity will automatically increase!

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