The Richest Man In Babylon - Book Review

The Richest Man In Babylon - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about a book that is absolutely wrong in terms of money. "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Klaasen is a book that will teach you all about money that was not taught in school. This book tells you how to become rich and how to manage money through old-fashioned stories. Let's see what cool tricks this book teaches that can make us rich too. So without wasting time, let's start the review of this book, which can help fill your pocket!

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter - The Man Who Wanted Gold
In this chapter, we meet Bansir, the richest man in Babylon. His friends Kobi and Bansa ask how he became so rich. Banseer tells that when he was young, he asked a rich man named Arkad the secret of earning money. Arkad taught him that one should always save one-tenth of his earnings for himself. This is the first and most important lesson that the book teaches us. Banseer says, "Brother, everyone knows how to earn money, but very few people know how to keep it with themselves. If you want to be rich, keep at least 10% of everything you earn.  Run your expenses with the other 90%. "

Chapter - Seven Cures for a Lean Purse
In this chapter, Arkad explains seven ways in which you can thicken your pocket:
1. Start earning money: Arkad says, "Brother, money will not come by itself. He has to earn. The harder you work, the more money you will earn. "
2.  Control your earnings: "Control your earnings or others will control it," advises Arkad. 
3. Multiply your money: "Make your money work for you, do it." Invest, so that your money and money will be earned. "
4. Keep your money safe: "Take advice from experts. Put your money in a place where it is safe and grown. "
5. Make your home a profitable investment: "Buy your home, don't stay on rent. This will be beneficial in the long run. "
6. Plan your future: "Save for retirement. There should be no tension of money in old age. "
7. Increase your earning capacity: "Improve your skills. Learn more, earn more. "

Chapter - Meet the Goddesses of Good Luck
There is a story in this chapter in which a man complains about his fate. He meets the goddess of luck who tells him how to get good luck. Devi says, "Brother, luck comes to those who are ready for the opportunity. Be an expert in your work, look for an opportunity, and when you get a chance, grab it with both hands. "

Chapter - The Five Laws of Gold
This chapter explains five rules of money:
1. Gold comes happily from the man who saves at least one-tenth of his earnings. 
2. Gold is earned by hard work and multiplied by knowledge. 
3. Gold should be kept in a safe place. 
4. Gold attracts those who invest it wisely. 
5. Gold shy away from those who spend it unknowingly or without thinking. 

Chapter - The Gold Lenders of Babylon
In this chapter, there is a money lender named Mathon who lends money to people. He tells what precautions should be taken while lending money. Mathon says, "Brother, think carefully before lending money to anyone. See if the person will be able to return the money or not. Check his income, expenses and character. And of course, never lend to people who squander money on gambling or ash-o-leisure. "

Chapter - The Walls of Babylon
This chapter tells how the people of Babylon got together to build a wall to protect their city. This teaches us that big things can be done with teamwork and planning. The book says, "Brothers, we are weak alone, but when we all work together, any difficulty becomes easy. The same planning and teamwork are needed to protect your money. "

Chapter - The Camel Trader of Babylon
In this chapter, there is a camel trader named Dabasir, who became a slave. He tells how he freed himself from debt and became rich again. Dabasser says, "Brother, I used 70% of every earning I earned to pay off debts, keep 20% for myself and my family, and saved 10%.  Slowly I was free from debt and became rich again. "

Chapter - The Clay Tablets from Babylon
This is the last chapter in which some sayings of the people of Babylon are given. These proverbs teach good lessons about money. There is a saying that says, "Son, if you want to be rich, first learn how to spend money." Remember, the man who spends more has less leftover, and the man who spends less has more. "

In this way, this book teaches us how to make money, how to save it, and how to use it properly. All these things are as true today as they were in the past.


"The Richest Man in Babylon" is a book that explains financial wisdom through simple stories. Its biggest advantage is that it explains complex financial concepts in the language of the common man. 

The book's key messages – saving 10% of your earnings, controlling your spending, and making smart investments – are as relevant today as they were in the past. But keep in mind, this book focuses on basic financial principles, not modern investment strategies. 

Some may question whether these old-fashioned sayings will work in today's fast-paced world. But the truth is that the basic rules of money never change. That's why this book is a great guide for people of all ages who want to improve their financial life.


So, friends, in the end I will say that "The Richest Man in Babylon" is a book that can help thicken your pocket. By applying the tips mentioned in it, you can also improve your financial situation. Remember, there is no shortcut to becoming rich. Be patient, manage money smartly, and see how your financial life changes. Come on, go now and start filling your pockets!

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