The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People - Book Review

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about a book that is changing the lives of people around the world. Yes brother, I am talking about Stephen Covey's superhit book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". This is a book that has taught millions of people how to be successful and happy in their lives. But do you know what's so special about this book? Don't know? No tension! Today I am going to tell you what cool knowledge is hidden in this book. So let's start the review of this epic book, which can make your life a complete mess!

Summary of Key Chapters:

Habit 1: Be Proactive:
In First Habit, Covey explains that we should take responsibility for our own lives. "Brother, your life is in your hands," Covey said. Blaming others or circumstances will not help. Be the hero of your own life. "We can control our reactions," he explains. For example, if someone makes you angry, you have a choice whether you are angry or stay calm. Covey's tip: "Focus on your circle of influence. Focus on the things you can change. "

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind:
In the second habit, Covey says that we should set the goal of our life. Covey explains, "Hey brother, if you don't know where you want to go, how will you get there? First decide your destination, then make a plan to reach there. "We suggest we write our personal mission statement. This will help us stay focused. Covey's tip: "Imagine your funeral. Think about what people say about you. Then try to live that kind of life. "

Habit 3: First Things First:
In Third Habit, Covey explains that we must set our priorities. "Brother, not everything is important," says Cove.   Focus on what really matters. Manage your time well.  He talks about the time management matrix, in which tasks are divided into four categories – urgent and important, not urgent on important, not important on urgent, and neither urgent nor important. Covey's tip: "Make your schedule every week. First of all, do big and important work. "

Habit 4: Think Win-Win:
In the Fourth Habit, Covey teaches that we should always look for situations where everyone wins. Covey explains, "Look brother, life is not a competition. Think that you win, and others also win. It will benefit everyone. ", he says that win-win thinking strengthens relationships and benefits everyone. Covey's tip: "The next time you deal with someone, think about how you can benefit both." "

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood:
In Fifth Habit, Covey explains how important good communication is. "Oh man, try to understand others first," says Covey. Listen to them carefully. Then make your point. This will improve relationships. He talks about empathetic listening, where we not only listen, but also try to understand the feelings of others. Covey's tip: "Next time you talk to someone, try to understand their point of view first, then keep your word." "

Habit 6: Synergized:
In Sixth Habit, Covey teaches how teamwork can lead to great things. Covey explains, "Brother, we are weak alone, but when we all work together, any difficulty becomes easy. This is synergy. He explains how new and better ideas can be created by combining different ideas and skills. Covey's tip: "Identify and use the strengths of everyone on your team. "

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw:
In the seventh and final habit, Covey explains how important it is to keep improving yourself. "Look mate, if you don't keep yourself updated, you'll be left behind," says Cove. Keep your skills sharp, take care of your mind and body. He talks about four dimensions – physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional. It is important to pay attention to all these. Covey's tip: "Learn something new every day, exercise, meditate, and work on your relationships. "

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" teaches us how to make our life more effective and successful. All these habits are as relevant today as they were at the time of writing the book.


This book has proved to be a milestone in the world of personal development. Its biggest feature is that it explains complex life skills in a simple and practical way.

The key messages of the book – being proactive, setting goals, setting priorities – are as relevant today as they were before. But remember, this book provides a framework, not a magic wand. It takes time and effort to develop these habits. 

Some might say the book is a bit outdated. But the truth is that in today's fast-paced and stressful era, these habits are needed even more. This book teaches us how to make our life balanced and meaningful.

However, everyone's life is different, so not all habits may apply to everyone in the same way. Nevertheless, this book provides a solid foundation on which everyone can build their own building of success.


So friends, in the end I would say that "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is a book that can give a new direction to your life. By applying the habits mentioned in it, you can improve your personal and professional life. Remember, there is no shortcut to being successful. It will take time to develop these habits, but the results will definitely be available. So come on, now go and start making your life more effective!

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