The Bhagavad Gita - Book Review

The Bhagavad Gita - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about a book that is not just a book but a guide to the whole life. Yes brother, I am talking about "Bhagavad Gita". This is one of the oldest and most famous books in our country. But do you know what is written in this book? Don't know? No tension! Today I am going to tell you what cool knowledge is hidden in this book. So let's start the review of this epic book, which can make your life a complete mess!

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter - Arjuna Vishad Yoga:
The first chapter starts with a bang. Arjun, who is a great warrior, is afraid to fight with his relatives and friends. Arjuna says, "Brother Krishna, my hands and feet are getting cold. How do I fight my uncles, brothers and friends? That's wrong, isn't it?"

Chapter - Samkhya Yoga:
In the second chapter, Krishna explains to Arjuna that the soul is immortal and the body perishable. Krishna says, "Hey my brother, why are you so afraid? Souls never die. It just changes the body like clothes. Then what are you afraid of?"

Chapter - Karma Yoga:
In the third chapter, Krishna talks about Karma Yoga. They say we should do our duty, without worrying about the fruit. Krishna says, "Brother, you just do your work. Do not take tension about the result. Do the work well and leave the rest to me. "

Chapter - Jnana Yoga:
In the fourth chapter, Krishna explains how knowledge is attained. Krishna says, "See, brother, real knowledge is that which changes you from within. Who gives you peace. Everything else is just book knowledge. "

Chapter - Karma-Sannyasa Yoga:
In the fifth chapter, Krishna explains how one can live like a sannyasi even while working. Krishna explains, "Brother, you work but don't get caught up in it. Just as a lotus flower remains separate from water even when you are in water, so you also remain separate from it even when you live in the world. "

Chapter - Meditation Yoga:
In the sixth chapter, Krishna explains the importance of meditation. Krishna says, "Hey brother, I took some time out every day and meditated. This will calm your mind and make better decisions. "

Chapter - Jnana Vigyan Yoga:
In the seventh chapter, Krishna explains who he is and how to know him. Krishna says, "I am everywhere brother. Look at me in everything. But it's not easy to know me. Very few people understand me. "

Chapter - Akshar Brahma Yoga:
In the eighth chapter, Krishna explains what happens after death. Krishna explains, "See, brother, as you think, so will your next birth. So always think good and do good. "

Chapter - Raj Vidya Raj Guhya Yoga:
In the ninth chapter, Krishna explains how to worship him. Krishna says, "Brother, remember me, think of me, worship me. I will forgive you all your sins. "

Chapter - Vibhuti Yoga:
In the tenth chapter, Krishna explains his powers. Krishna says, "Brother, everything that is beautiful and powerful is part of me. I am in everyone. "

Chapter - Vishwarupa Darshan Yoga:
In the eleventh chapter, Krishna shows his Virat form to Arjuna. Arjun is surprised and says, "Oh father! What am I looking at? You are the whole world, Krishna!"

Chapter - Bhakti Yoga:
In the twelfth chapter, Krishna explains how to perform devotion. Krishna says, "Brother, love me, think of me, work for me. Just do it, I will give you salvation. "

Chapter - Area-Sectoral Division Yoga:
In the thirteenth chapter, Krishna talks about the body and soul. Krishna explains, "See, brother, the body is like a field and the soul is the owner of that field. One who understands this becomes knowledgeable. "

Chapter - Guna Division Total:
In the fourteenth chapter, Krishna talks about the three gunas - Sattva, Raja, and Tama. Krishna says, "Brother, every human being has these three qualities. Sattva is good, raja is passion and tama is evil. You increase the virtue of sattva. "

Chapter - Purushottam Yoga:
In the fifteenth chapter, Krishna explains that he is at the top. Krishna says, "Brother, I am at the top. He who knows me, knows everything. "

Chapter - Daivasur Sampada Bhaga Yoga:
In the sixteenth chapter, Krishna explains the good and bad qualities. Krishna explains, "See, brother, good qualities will take you up and bad qualities will take you down. You adopt good qualities. "

Chapter - Shraddhatraya Yoga:
In the seventeenth chapter, Krishna talks about faith. Krishna says, "Brother, as you have faith, so will you become. Have good faith and become good. "

Chapter - Moksha Sannyasa Yoga:
In the eighteenth and last chapter, Krishna explains about salvation. Krishna says, "Brother, trust me. Do your duty. Dedicate everything to Me. Just do this, you will attain salvation. "

In this way, the Bhagavad Gita teaches us how to live, how to work, and how to keep our minds calm. All these things are as true today as they were before. 


Bhagavad Gita is a book that touches every aspect of life. Its biggest feature is that it explains the things of big philosophy in the language of the common man.

The main messages of the Gita – to do one's duty, not to worry about the fruit, and to trust in God – are as relevant today as they were before. But keep in mind, Gita is not just a religious book, it is a life guide. 

Some may say that the words of the Gita have become outdated. But the truth is that in this modern era full of stress, tension, and competition, the teachings of Gita have become even more important. 

Gita teaches us how to live a balanced life. It tells us how to live in the world and be different from it. Therefore, this book is a perfect guide for people of all ages who want to improve their lives.


So friends, in the end I would say that Bhagavad Gita is a book that can make your life a complete mess. By applying the tips mentioned in it to your life, you can boost your mental peace and happiness. Remember, there is no shortcut to success in life. Be patient, give your best, and leave the rest to God. Come on, now go and start decorating your life with the principles of Gita!

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