Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind - Book Review

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind - Book Review

Today we are going to talk about a book that can make your life completely shocking. Yes brother, I am talking about "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind".  This book is written by T. Harv Eker, and in it he explains how rich people run their minds. 

Now you must be thinking, "Brother, what fund is this?" So, I'll explain. This book is not just about making money, it changes your mind. Eker explains that if you want to be rich, first you have to learn to think like the rich. 

So let's take a peek inside this cool book and see how it can change our lives!

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter - Your Money Blueprint:
Brothers, first of all, Eker tell us that every human being has a "money blueprint." What is this? Hey, this is the programming that is set in our minds from childhood. For example, if you heard as a child "money doesn't grow on trees" or "rich people are dishonest," it becomes part of your money blueprint.  If you want a major change in your financial life, this blueprint needs to be changed first, says Eker. Otherwise, no matter how hard you work, you'll stay there. 

Chapter - Rich vs Poor: What's the Difference?
Now this is a very interesting part. Eker has given 17 ways in which rich and poor people think differently. Let's look at some funny examples:
1. Thinking about money: Poor people think "I can never become rich", while rich people think "I will become rich". 
2. Choice: Poor people think they have no choice, whereas rich people always look for choices. 
3. Focus: Poor people focus on problems, rich people on opportunities. 
4. Risk: Poor people are afraid of risk; rich people take calculated risk. 
5. Learning: Poor people think they know it all, rich people are always willing to learn. 

Brother, reading these points shook my mind! Imagine what   a difference it can make if we change our thinking a little. 

Chapter - Your Financial Thermostat:
Now what new fund is this? Eker says that every human being has a financial thermostat inside them. Just as the thermostat of AC controls the temperature, this thermostat controls your financial success. If your thermostat is set low, even if you win the lottery, after some time you'll be back to where you started. So, if you want to make more money, you must first upgrade your internal thermostat. 

Chapter - 17 files about money:
Eker says that there are 17 files about money in our mind. These files decide how we will behave in terms of money. Let's look at some interesting files:
 File #1: Meaning of Money: Rich people believe that money brings freedom, opportunity, and happiness. Poor people consider it to be the root of evil. 
 File #5: Making money: Rich people think big, poor people think small. 
 File #10: Money Management: Rich people manage their money well, poor people don't. 
 File #13: Money and Action: Rich people take action immediately, poor people think. 
Brother, it is very important to understand and change these files if you want a big change in your financial life. 

Chapter - Wealth Principles:
Now let's get to some of the fun wealth principles that Eker has explained:
1. Your income comes from your value: That is, if you create more value, you will earn more. 
2. Focus expands: What you focus on increases. So, focus on money, but don't go crazy after it. 
3. What you see, you get: If you see opportunities, opportunities will come. If you look at problems, you will find problems. 
4. Your net worth is equal to your self-worth: Consider yourself valuable, only then will other people value you. 

Chapter - Action Steps:
It's fine to read a book, but the real fun comes when we apply it to life. That's why Eker has given some cool action steps:
1. Identify your money blueprint: Recall your childhood experiences and see how they influenced your thinking about money. 
2. Declare yourself: Say to yourself "I am a person with a millionaire mind who is walking on the path of success". 
3. Increase your financial thermostat: Set yourself big goals and try to achieve them. 
4. Update the wealth files:  Every day remind yourself that money is good, and you can use it for good causes. 
5. Take action: Just thinking is not enough, it is important to take action. Do something every day that will get you closer to your financial goals. 

This book is absolutely shocking. There are many ideas that can change your life. All it takes is a little hard work and commitment. So, let's awaken the millionaire inside you!


"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" is a book that will blow your mind.  The concepts given by Eker are completely different. He has challenged our thinking about money and how our mindset controls our financial life. 

But brother, every coin has two sides. Some may say that this book is giving very simple solutions for complex problems. And yes, just changing the mindset will not change everything, action will also have to be taken. 

Nevertheless, if you want to make a big difference in your financial life, then this book can be a good start. Just remember, just reading is not enough, what you have learned has to be applied too.


"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" is a book that will make you think.  The ideas given by Eker can give a new direction to your life. 

Remember, making money is not rocket science, just training your mind in the right direction. So let's awaken the millionaire in you and give a new look to your financial life. Because brother, when the thinking changes, then the fate will change!

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