Great At Work - Book Summary

Welcome to a journey towards workplace greatness! In this book summary, we explore 'Great At Work,' a revolutionary guide by Morten T. Hansen. Delving into the realms of exceptional workplace performance, this book provides insightful strategies and practices to elevate your effectiveness and achieve remarkable results. Authored by a renowned management professor and business consultant, Morten T. Hansen, this book is a beacon for professionals striving to optimize their productivity and make a substantial impact in their careers. Join us as we distill the essence of 'Great At Work,' uncovering the keys to unlocking your full potential within the workplace.

Welcome to a journey of optimizing workplace performance and achieving true greatness. In this comprehensive book summary, we unravel the secrets within 'Great At Work' by Morten T. Hansen. The book is a blueprint for anyone aspiring to reach the pinnacle of productivity and effectiveness in their professional endeavors. Morten T. Hansen, a distinguished management professor and a prominent figure in the business world, presents a compelling guide based on extensive research and real-world insights. 'Great At Work' goes beyond conventional productivity tips, diving deep into the core principles that lead to exceptional performance. Join us as we embark on an exploration to distill the essence of this transformative guide, unlocking the strategies that can elevate your work ethic and redefine your career success. Let's unravel the blueprint to becoming truly 'Great At Work'.


"Great At Work" by Morten T. Hansen is a ground-breaking book that challenges prevailing notions about workplace productivity and offers a fresh perspective on achieving exceptional results. Hansen, drawing upon extensive research and data, identifies seven key principles that separate high performers from the rest. These principles are drawn from the author's in-depth analysis of over 5,000 managers and employees.

The book argues against the common belief that working harder or putting in longer hours equates to greater productivity. Instead, it emphasizes doing the right things and working smarter. Through compelling anecdotes and case studies, the author illustrates how individuals can achieve outstanding performance by optimizing their efforts and focusing on the critical tasks that truly matter.

Hansen introduces the "Seven Work Smarts" framework, highlighting specific strategies such as mastering selective focus, leveraging collaboration, and prioritizing passion to boost performance. By integrating these principles into their work routine, readers can cultivate a mindset that drives excellence and maximizes productivity.

This overview provides a glimpse into the core principles and approach of "Great At Work," setting the stage for a detailed exploration of the book's key chapters and the transformative insights they offer.

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter 1: The Pervasiveness of Great Performance
In the opening chapter, Morten T. Hansen introduces the central premise of the book—the importance of achieving exceptional performance at work. He highlights how pervasive great performance is and how it has a significant impact not only on an individual's career but also on the success and growth of organizations. By presenting this fundamental concept, Hansen sets the stage for readers to understand the critical role great performance plays in the professional landscape.

Chapter 2: The Seven Work Smarts
This chapter delves into the core framework of "Great At Work"—the Seven Work Smarts. Hansen introduces readers to these essential strategies for achieving outstanding performance: 1) Mastery, 2) Performance, 3) Purpose, 4) Passion, 5) People, 6) Presence, and 7) Pacing. Each smart is carefully explained, outlining how they collectively contribute to optimizing one's efforts and achieving greatness at work.

Chapter 3: The First Two Work Smarts: Mastery and Performance
Hansen focuses on the first two work smarts: Mastery and Performance. Mastery involves deepening one's skills and expertise, while Performance is about delivering results consistently. The chapter offers insights into how to strike the right balance between these two smarts, emphasizing that high performance necessitates both mastering your craft and delivering tangible outcomes.

Chapter 4: The Third Work Smart: Purpose
In this chapter, Hansen introduces the third work smart: Purpose. He emphasizes the significance of aligning one's work with a broader purpose or goal. Work infused with purpose not only enhances motivation but also leads to a greater sense of fulfillment and, ultimately, outstanding performance. Hansen provides practical guidance on finding and connecting with a meaningful purpose within the workplace.

Chapter 5: The Fourth Work Smart: Passion
The fourth work smart, Passion, is explored in this chapter. Hansen explains how passion can drive exceptional performance by fostering enthusiasm and dedication toward tasks and projects. He illustrates how individuals can cultivate passion by engaging with their work in a way that aligns with their interests and strengths. Balancing passion with the other work smarts is highlighted as crucial for sustained high performance.

Chapter 6: The Fifth Work Smart: People
The fifth work smart, People, centers on leveraging relationships and collaborations to enhance performance. Hansen discusses the importance of effectively working with others, building a strong network, and leveraging collective intelligence. The chapter emphasizes the role of teamwork and collaboration in achieving optimal results and highlights strategies for cultivating productive relationships at work.

Chapter 7: The Sixth Work Smart: Presence
In this chapter, Hansen delves into the sixth work smart: Presence. Presence involves being fully engaged and attentive in each moment of work. Hansen advocates for mindfulness, explaining how being present and focused can significantly elevate productivity and the quality of work. He provides practical techniques to cultivate presence amidst the demands of a fast-paced work environment.

Chapter 8: The Seventh Work Smart: Pacing
The final work smart, Pacing, is explored in this chapter. Hansen discusses the importance of managing one's energy and avoiding burnout. Pacing involves understanding when to push hard, when to rest, and how to maintain a sustainable pace for high performance. The chapter offers valuable insights into achieving a balance that ensures consistent and enduring excellence in the long run.

This summary provides a glimpse into the key chapters of "Great At Work," presenting the Seven Work Smarts framework and offering a foundational understanding of how these smarts contribute to achieving exceptional performance in the workplace.

Analysis and Evaluation:

"Great At Work" offers a paradigm shift in how we perceive and pursue workplace excellence. Morten T. Hansen's analysis of high performance through the lens of the Seven Work Smarts framework is enlightening. By emphasizing mastery, purpose, and the significance of relationships, the book challenges traditional notions of simply working harder. The strategic balance advocated for in terms of passion, presence, and pacing is particularly noteworthy. Hansen's approach provides a holistic understanding of how a multifaceted approach to work, encompassing skills, purpose, enthusiasm, collaboration, mindfulness, and sustainable effort, can lead to sustained high performance. Moreover, the real-world examples and actionable advice make this book a valuable resource for professionals seeking to enhance their productivity and impact in the workplace. Hansen's research-backed insights elevate this book, making it an essential read for anyone striving for greatness in their professional life.


"Great At Work" unveils the secrets of workplace success, presenting a ground-breaking framework to achieve outstanding performance. Morten T. Hansen's deep dive into the Seven Work Smarts offers a strategic approach that goes beyond conventional notions of hard work. By masterfully balancing skills, purpose, passion, relationships, presence, and pacing, professionals can unlock their true potential. The book provides a roadmap to transform one's approach to work, leading to not only higher productivity but also a more fulfilling and impactful career. Embrace the Seven Work Smarts and embark on a journey to become truly 'Great At Work.'

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