The Science of Getting Rich - Book Summary

The Science of Getting Rich - Book Summary

What does it take to become rich? According to Wallace D. Wattles, author of 'The Science of Getting Rich', it's all about mastering the principles of abundance and using them to create a life of prosperity and fulfillment. In this classic self-help book, Wattles offers a step-by-step guide to achieving wealth and success, drawing on the insights and teachings of philosophers and spiritual leaders throughout history. He argues that by aligning our thoughts and actions with the principles of abundance, we can tap into the infinite power of the universe and manifest our deepest desires. In this book summary, we'll explore the key themes and insights from 'The Science of Getting Rich', including the importance of positive thinking, the value of taking action, and the power of gratitude and visualization. Whether you're seeking to improve your financial situation, unlock your full potential, or simply gain a deeper understanding of the principles of abundance, 'The Science of Getting Rich' offers a timeless and inspiring guide to achieving your dreams. Let's dive in!

The book “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles is a classic self-help book that has been helping people for over a century. The author wrote the book in 1910, but its teachings are still relevant today. The book focuses on the power of positive thinking and the importance of gratitude and visualization in achieving wealth and success. It’s a step-by-step guide that helps readers to understand the principles of prosperity and abundance. In this article, we will provide a summary of the book, highlighting the key concepts and strategies for success. Whether you’re looking to improve your financial situation or simply seeking a better life, this book is an excellent resource for achieving your goals.


"The Science of Getting Rich" is a classic self-help book written by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910. The book teaches the principles of prosperity, success, and abundance through a specific mindset and way of thinking. The author emphasizes the power of positive thinking, visualization, and taking action towards achieving one's goals. This book is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but rather a guide on how to create a life of abundance and fulfillment.

The book has inspired many other self-help books, including the famous book "The Secret." The author's ideas are still relevant today, and the book remains a popular resource for those seeking personal and financial success. The book has been translated into numerous languages and has been read by millions of people worldwide.

In this summary, we will explore the key concepts and ideas presented in "The Science of Getting Rich." We will look at the importance of positive thinking, the power of visualization, and the role of action in achieving success. We will also examine some of the criticisms and controversies surrounding the book.

Summary of Key Chapters:

Chapter 1: The Right to be Rich
Wattles begins the book by stating that everyone has the right to be rich, and that it is not a matter of luck or chance. He argues that there is a science to getting rich and that it can be learned and applied by anyone who is willing to put in the effort.

Chapter 2: There is a Science of Getting Rich
In this chapter, Wattles explains that the science of getting rich is based on the principles of natural law, and that these principles can be learned and applied by anyone who is willing to do so.

Chapter 3: Is Opportunity Monopolized?
Wattles argues that there is no shortage of opportunities for people to create wealth and achieve financial success, and that the idea of opportunity being monopolized is a myth.

Chapter 4: The First Principle in the Science of Getting Rich
The first principle of the science of getting rich, according to Wattles, is to think in a certain way. He argues that thoughts are the starting point of all riches, and that by thinking in a certain way, we can attract wealth and success into our lives.

Chapter 5: The Second Principle in the Science of Getting Rich
The second principle of the science of getting rich is to hold the faith that we will achieve our goals. Wattles argues that we must have an unwavering faith in our ability to create wealth and success, even in the face of challenges and obstacles.

Chapter 6: How Riches Come to You
In this chapter, Wattles explains that riches come to us through a process of attracting them into our lives. He argues that we must use our thoughts and actions to create a "vibration" that attracts wealth and success.

Chapter 7: Gratitude
Wattles emphasizes the importance of gratitude in the process of getting rich. He argues that we must be grateful for what we have in order to attract more into our lives.

Chapter 8: Thinking in the Certain Way
In this chapter, Wallace D. Wattles explains the importance of thinking in a certain way. He emphasizes that we must not only think positively but also in a way that we believe in the certainty of what we want to achieve. It is essential to avoid the slightest doubt or hesitation and instead, focus on the outcome we desire. Wattles believes that the universe responds to our thoughts, and when we think in the right way, we can achieve anything we want.

Chapter 9: How to Use the Will
The ninth chapter of "The Science of Getting Rich" discusses the role of the will in achieving success. According to Wattles, the will is a vital tool that can help us achieve our goals. He explains that the will is not just a conscious desire or wish but also an inner power that we can use to manifest our desires. Wattles emphasizes the importance of focusing on what we want and using our willpower to achieve it. He believes that we can achieve anything we want by developing the power of the will.

Chapter 10: Further Use of the Will
In the final chapter of the book, Wallace D. Wattles discusses the importance of taking action. He believes that taking action is essential to achieving success. Wattles emphasizes that the will is not enough to achieve our desires. We must also take action towards our goals. He advises us to act in a way that aligns with our goals and to take action every day towards achieving them. Wattles encourages readers to trust the process and believe that they will achieve their goals as long as they continue to take action towards them.

"The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles is a timeless classic that provides valuable insights on how to achieve success in life. The book emphasizes the importance of positive thinking, visualization, and taking action towards our goals. Wattles believes that we can achieve anything we want in life if we think and act in a certain way. While some of the concepts presented in the book may seem simplistic, they are incredibly powerful if applied consistently. The principles presented in "The Science of Getting Rich" have helped thousands of people achieve their goals and live their best lives, and it can do the same for you if you apply the teachings in your life.

Analysis and Evaluation:

"The Science of Getting Rich" is a classic self-help book that has been around for more than a century. While some of the concepts in the book may seem outdated, the core message of the book remains relevant to this day. The author, Wallace D. Wattles, emphasizes the importance of creating wealth through positive thinking and taking action towards your goals.

One of the strengths of the book is its focus on the mindset of abundance. It encourages readers to shift their thinking from scarcity to abundance, which can be a powerful tool for creating wealth. The book also stresses the importance of taking action towards your goals and not waiting for opportunities to come to you.

Some readers may find the book's emphasis on money and wealth to be too narrow. The book seems to suggest that financial success is the only measure of a person's worth, which can be problematic for those who value other forms of success such as personal growth or making a positive impact on the world.

"The Science of Getting Rich" offers valuable insights on the power of positive thinking and taking action towards your goals. However, readers should approach the book with a critical eye and not take its teachings as the only path to success.


"The Science of Getting Rich" is an insightful book that provides practical steps to achieving wealth and success. The author, Wallace D. Wattles, offers a unique perspective on the principles of success and how to apply them in one's life. Through the book, he emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision of what you want, taking action towards achieving it, and cultivating a mindset of abundance and positivity.

The book is a great read for anyone who is seeking to improve their financial situation and achieve their goals. It is a timeless classic that has inspired countless individuals over the years, and it continues to be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to create wealth and success in their life. If you are looking for a practical guide to achieving your dreams, "The Science of Getting Rich" is definitely worth checking out.

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